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It's part sales, part marketing, part branding, part market research and development.

But most of all, it's an art whose masters have made millions.

Join me as we explore this conversation

The Missed Opportunity - The Danger of a Sales Only Mindset

Driving in my car this week, I received a phone call from someone who had me on one of their lists. I didn't recognize the phone number and I was on another call, so I let it go to voicemail and checked it when I was fininshed.

It was a firm out of Kentucky that does business coaching for franchises. I thought, hey, this is a great opportunity for both of us - they do setup and sales and I teach long term business development. So I returned the call almost immediately.

Turns out they were working a conference list for an upcoming event and I was on the list (how - I do not know). He was prospecting me for attending their sales pitch at the event. I told him that I would not be at the event. I proposed, however, that there might be an opportunity for us to refer business back and forth (being the Business Developer that I am).

He shut off. He couldn't even hear me. He was so focused on pre-selling conference attendees that he couldn't hear an opportunity for business that was right in front of him.

He hurridly tried to get me off the phone so he could get to his next call and I obliged him.

As I hung up, it struck me how blind people can be to the opportunities that are in front of them at all times.

I invite those of you who are reading this to consider that there are so many opportunities to create relationships that could send you more business than you could handle, but that you are unprepared to see them.

Take the blinders off.

Get into conversations with people who have a similar client base and see if you can create a win-win relationship with people who deliver value that you do not. It could be the beginning of a business relationship that will transform your operation.

See you next post!

Raymond Chip Lambert


  1. Gail Keith said...

    Chip you are so right. While I am a big fan of setting an intention before a call or meeting, as you teach in many of your Business Development Courses, I find the intention must be balanced with being open to other opportunities. That person wanted to "pitch you" - if he had wanted to simply have a conversation with you, I would venture to say the outcome would have been a win/win.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Nice blog dear i have really learn a lot from this blog thanks.

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