Getting Started with LinkedIn®
I've been writing some time now about Linked In® and using it as a business development tool. My clients have asked me where they should start. Whether you are new to LinkedIn® or a long-time user, there are some critical things you need to know about LinkedIn® and how to use it to develop business and long-term business relationships.
- Know why you are using LinkedIn – just being on the system does nothing for you – you have a network – so what – you’ve got one in real life too – how effectively are you using it?
- Do a complete profile – it is counterproductive not to take full advantage of all the features of LinkedIn® because you don’t feel like filling out the pertinent info. You are missing some of the best features in LinkedIn® if you don’t fill out a complete profile.
- Strategically build your network – just inviting everyone you know will give you big numbers – but so what. Big numbers with a purpose is a powerhouse. Big numbers without one is nothing more than a mirror of how you’ve built your current network – and how well is that performing.
- Join groups for things you are already affiliated with. You will discover a tremendous amount of value in your already existing networks – it’s there – you just can’t see it.
- Integrate LinkedIn® into your business development plan. Once you’ve built your network, you’ll be amazed how many places you can go and get into where you couldn’t event get through the door before.
If you are serious about unlocking the value of your networks and the value of your already existing book of business, get some training on the LinkedIn® system. It's true that you could spend months of your valuable time researching and trying to figure out all the amazing things you can do with a well- built LinkedIn® network. But you run the risk of making a few fatal errors than can get your account shut down and the time it takes to get it cleared up with customer service.
Get trained. Spend your time doing what you do well.
Raymond Chip Lambert
Network 2 Networth
Deep Business Development
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