"Can You Hear Me Now? How About Now?" AKA It's the Network
In the last several weeks I've had the privilege to speak to some pretty intelligent people who have had various levels of success in their businesses. And as someone who puts on live events (see our LinkedIn® Live! Event in Phoenix) I find it intensely interesting that people still don't get that it's not just about who you meet.
That got me thinking about how to effectively communicate what I know about networks, the nature of networks, and the impact that has on business development and referrability.
The first thing that came to mind were those annoying Verizon® commercials with the technician in the horned rimmed glasses. He was on the phone with one person - ostensibly testing the quality of the network - and behind him were the thousands of people that were BEHIND the network. The power of that message is that it's not just about the one-on-one of the phone call - but the network that's behind it. (BTW - read about how effective that branding campaign was) Can you hear me now?
The second thing that happened was a phone call I had with a gentleman from Oklahoma City, Kirk Shelley. Kirk is interested in what happened with the Ron Paul phenomenon. Grass roots organizing. Millions of dollars donated to an "unknown". A message that got out regardless of how the corporate media covered the story. Blogs. Social Media. This is the true nature of a network. Can you hear me now?
Then there's the Internet. A network of networks. Think about how that has impacted your life. How you collect and manage information. What can you do today in 10 minutes that even 10 years ago was next to impossible? Google? E-mail? LinkedIn® Can you hear me now?
In my humble opinion, placing a "networked" technological backbone (known as social media software) behind humanity's aspirations will revolutionize humanity the way the Internet revolutionized (and continues to revolutionize) information.
Go back and read the "Cluetrain Manifesto".
See how much it has influenced the online world over the last 10 years. See how much markets (which are networks) have begun to create technologies to be heard. (Blogs - You Tube - Social Bookmarks, etc.) Can you hear me now?
And finally, there was a poll in the Phoenix Business Journal about "21st Century Networking" and some of the responses highlight the current state of thinking - at least by respondents - around networking, social networking sites, and social media. People still don't fully understand the implications.
Online social networking, is not necessarily about the one-on-one connections. It's about getting access to what's really in the NETWORK. Graduates of my Business Development Training know this. Of course real world networks are important - that's what social media is about. It's about connecting with people you know in real life. It's about sharing resources, knowledge, connections, etc. It's about discovering new tools that will make your life easier, more enjoyable, productive, or profitable and sharing those with the folks in your network. And with tools like LinkedIn®, MySpace®, Facebook®, etc. you can begin to meet your markets where THEY are - know what THEY think. Know what is important to THEM.
When you understand this - you can begin to speak what my friend Jon Ward refers to as their 'Tribal Conversation'. And when you do that, you are no longer an outsider looking in. You are someone who is one of them - who has solutions to their problems. Who speaks their language. Who knows their friends.
And that, my friends, is the opportunity of a Network.
Can you hear me now?
Raymond Chip Lambert
It's Much More Than a Book of Business!™
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