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It's part sales, part marketing, part branding, part market research and development.

But most of all, it's an art whose masters have made millions.

Join me as we explore this conversation

Important Heads Up Regarding LinkedIn

I logged into my LinkedIn account today and saw a little box in the upper header area of the site that says they have updated their User Agreement and their Privacy Policy.

Take note!

There are some things in here that we have been telling our clients for some time now - including specific things that you can and cannot do with the LinkedIn system.

In the next couple of days I will share my observations on the changes that have been made and how they may effect you and how you use the LinkedIn system.

Read the new User Agreement or Privacy Policy.

I'd love to get your feedback.  This could be pretty disruptive to the strategies some of you have been employing.  Let me know.

Raymond Chip Lambert
Network 2 Networth
Your Outsourced Business Development Training Partner

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Our Blog Redesign - Check it out

I've just spent the entire day on a redesign of our blog and would love to hear what you think.

There are some great new features including some of the things blogs that I read on a regular basis as well as photos from recent events.

Any suggestions or mistakes that you see, please let me know.

Look for new and interesting articles to be coming in the next few weeks as I begin to roll out some new partnerships!

Have a profitable week!

Raymond Chip Lambert
Your Outsourced Business Development Partner

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LinkedIn - In Plain English

Lee LeFever Strikes Again!

One of my original posts to this blog was one of Lee LeFever's videos on Social Networking.

I just got an email from a friend with this new video that does a great job of explaining the power of LinkedIn.

Please pass this on to the people in your network who are asking you what this "LinkedIn thing" is all about.  You will be their hero.

And if we can help you or your organization - or even the organizations of people you know -  master the use of the system for your bottom line business results, please contact us.

Raymond Chip Lambert
Network 2 Networth
Your Outsourced Business Development Training Partner


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The Power of Affiliation

I just got off the phone with Stacy Burleson co-owner of Beyond Zebra.  Stacy was referred to me by Eileen Burick who did our linkedin training.

Now while I was talking to Stacey, I was looking at her LinkedIn profile and noticed that she was an ex-Disney employee - she was a member of a LinkedIn Group for those folks.

Although she said I came "highly recommended", the rapport that opened up in our conversation was amazing.  That one piece of information transformed a stranger into a friend - someone I had something in common with.

I shared with her that I still point using the signature sweeping gesture that I was taught at 16 when I worked in the park as a sweeper.

I then started sharing about my speaking engagement at the LACBA Small and Solo Law Firm Conference and that I was speaking to large groups of people about using LinkedIn for marketing and business development.

The world opened up.

You see, she is on the board for the Women's Business Enterprise Council - West.  And they look for speakers that can make a difference for their organization.

Now - I don't know if it will turn into anything, but she left our call excited that she'd just found a resource for her group.  She's going to pitch the idea of my speaking to her membership.

And that's the power of affiliation and LinkedIn!

If you've had any success stories like this, please let me know.  I'd like to interview you and possibly share your story with the folks who are following this blog.

Have a happy 4th of July.

Raymond Chip Lambert
Network 2 Networth
Your Outsourced Business Develop Training Partner

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